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With a wide variety of program tracking and visualization methods, C2 Group utilizes ESRI’s ArcGIS multiple platforms to centralize and visualize all data collected during a project life cycle. Centralizing the project data and documentation and linking it to a single geographic location has many benefits and serves various purposes, but the primary and most important is the ease of access and search for project information and getting the most updated version when it is published.
By using multiple ArcGIS platforms (ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Collector), we combine the mapping information of a project, present it in various layers and link it to other associated data and documentation, such as pictures, videos, pdfs (i.e. engineering drawings, field inspection reports), aerial imagery, High Definition inspection photos and record data.
To create or maintain a centralized data hub within GIS, we gather all project-related information in their various formats, create a file structure and naming convention to compile and organize the data in a systematic way based on file types and formats, and publish all data to a central, secure location for the client to access and analyze. We work with our clients to ensure that all information is secure yet accessible within the client’s hosted servers. If desired, we host the data within our own servers giving full data control to our clients for future use.

The traditional methods of locating existing utilities consist of potholing all known utilities while survey crews identify depths and locations, but these traditional methods of locating, are not able to locate all existing utilities unless the utility is physically uncovered. With the limitations of utilizing traditional methods alone to locate existing utilities, we augment these methods by integrating Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Radio Detection (RD) for detection depending on the scope of work, utilities being located, depth and cover (soil type, cement, asphalt).

The following was a road within the City of San Diego that we were asked to as-built. It included Underground Detection work, Terrestrial LiDAR, Drone (Photogrammetry), and 3D Modeling. We like to provide visualization tools on our own, so we included within an app.



Through the use of drone and high-density scanning tools, 3D models of a project location are presented in a virtual interactive reality environment. Virtual Reality (VR) is proven to support effective project planning, design, and construction management from both the teams working the project and the client overseeing it. Coupled with Augmented Reality (AR) which allows a team to view a 3D image of a project virtually projected on a conference table during a meeting without being fully immersed in a virtual reality environment. Either used separately, or paired together, the use of VR and AR dramatically change a team’s ability understand a project in any stage and has proven to be an invaluable tool for clients and community outreach alike.